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Naromiyocknowhusunkatankshunk Brook

Apparently, the leaders of Connecticut wanted to establish a new town , and  they negotiated with Chief Squantz, but Chief Squantz moved to the north end of Squantz Pond, and refused to sell. They returned in the Spring of 1725, and found that Chief Squantz had died during the winter. His four sons and heirs refused to sign the deeds, so it was four years later that the white men finally got the drawn marks of several other native people (who may not have had authority to sell the land), and they "purchased" Sherman and New Fairfield, for the equivalent of about 300 dollars. The name means "water flowing from the hills". Naromiyocknowhusunkatankshunk

Shots From The Cat Box

Popp's in Wallkill sponsored a poker run, but the party at the end, in New Paltz, New York, was a lot of fun. This was 1985. I brought my Nikon and a roll of film. I drank a lot of beer, and went home to develop my film. My darkroom was set up next to the oil burner; I had to have total darkness to develop my film. I blocked all the light sources. If I turned on the light, I would ruin the pictures . And maybe I was a little drunk, and I wound up dropping the roll of unprocessed negatives into the cat box, in total darkness, I was searching on my knees, I felt around in the cat litter. Something cylindrical, whoops…no, not that. But I eventually found the film and developed the pictures. And here's a couple of shots from the cat box.